A supernatural subject treated as mainstream reality
Hi friends,thanks for helping me remember this movie ! i should've seen it sometime in late '54 at a local theater in Saigon ( burned out during the street fighting of April '55). At the time i hated James Mason for his part in "The Prisoner Of Zenda" as villain Rupert de Hentzau, so i enjoyed watching him hit in the back by the navaja-throwing tuxedoed toreador -the scene was etched in my memory- many times over in the repeated previews before seeing it full-length; and getting baffled by his undying ! For a 7 year-old boy the story was rather incomprehensible, and had to have my mother explain the intricacies of immortality, which for the man was A Curse From GOD. But i fell asleep toward the end and never saw the movie again since. By the way my dislike for poor James Mason did stick with me until '90, when i watched "The Cross Of Iron".
It's only then that i began to like him. Before that, only the movies where he played the villain to be punished in the end were acceptable to me!
Watching "Pandora and the Flying Dutchman" again would be a great rediscovery.
Please, does anyone know of comparable movies ?
For they don't make them like they did any more.