MovieChat Forums > Jeux interdits (1952) Discussion > all time favourite music score

all time favourite music score

Don't mix up me with those suckers
I'm a fan of refined cinema


great score

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I was surprised to learn that it was 'new' for this film. The piece hadn't been popularized until the film came around.

I was also surprised to learn it's history, in particular the assumption that it was original score for the film.

Apparently, Narciso Yepes was adamant in claiming it was his own composition, but it has now been refuted. It goes back to the 19th century and is of unknown authorship, although Yepes likely arranged it in its popular format.

But it is an excellent choice for the film, and it is well utilized; it just adds an extra element of dreaminess to it.


As the music was a classical piece not written for the film, I would categorise and rank this with Brief Encounter (Rachmaninoff) and 2001 (J. Strauss, R. Strauss etal.) as a movie that employs such music so beautifully that it is as if the film were the musical work's raison d'etre.

My favourite film score belongs to my favourite film Vertigo, because whilst there are numerous works that could convey a similar mood to that required for, say, Forbidden Games, the music for Vertigo seems to uniquely define the film. The mood of the film is Herrmann's music and nothing else could come close to matching the other film elements.
