Baby Names

My favorite line in the movie is when the four grandparents are at Kay & Buckley's house soon after the baby is born, and the talk is about choosing a name for the boy. The whole scene is hilarious, and played beautifully, but I fall over every time Billie Burke suggests "family" names (in her flutey voice) "...There's Milo, and Pennington..." Tracy, in the background deadpans "Pennington--THAT'S a nice name". His line reading is just comic perfection. Does anyone agree?


Tracy's timing is absolutely immaculate in both this and the earlier "FOTB" - The scene in the police station trying to retrieve his grandson is a master class in underplaying a scene. He moves from frantic, angry, dominant, confused, regretful, apologetic and almost servile in one terrific sweep of that great bull head and those expressive eyes.

How sad we have only flickering images of the man.

Don't touch that!
Why Not?
It does very bad things...
