
While I found the whole film quite delightful, held together by great performance by Spencer Tracy, I can't help feeling that the baby as portrayed as a toddler was a real plug! What an ugly kid, fat little face...only the coppers could face him. Maybe I'm been a bit harsh but surely there must have been more cuter toddlers around somewhere??


wow, you're's a baby, ffs...i thought he was lovely with his fat face and lovely dark curls...strangely, tho, he looked like a kid from the 50's---like people look different in old photos, he looked different than babies do today....maybe it was the hair! anyway, i'd take him home any day of the week!


He was cute, and yes, he looked very "1950s" baby. Not ugly at all to me!


Please, let's not start telling BABIES they have to go on diets in order to please movie viewers. Bad enough so many young stars have eating disorders.

"Well, for once the rich white man is in control!" C. M. Burns


To be honest, I didnt find the baby particularly cute. Nothing to do with his weight etc. just not the sort of baby you could go waa waa over.


Pudgy babies due to baby fat were considered "desirable", so to speak, then. You have to remember a lot of these grandparents grew up in the Depression, and saw adults and children starve and be undernourished. To them, this was a sign of health and prosperity.



Dont' you remember the Campbell's Kids, and what was considered healthy and ideal?

Personally, I'd rather look at a fat, chubby baby than a skinny one anyday.


The baby was cute enough... my wife adored the film... she cried at the end.

I appreciated the movie, although I was some what taken aback when Stanly left the baby unattended in the park. These days, you hear about stories on the news where a parent leaves their kids (or pets) in a car to do errands... misfortune and tragedy

Smoke me a kipper. I’ll be back for breakfast


In the 70s, I was often left in the play area of the local grocery store, as my mom shopped, and she would pick me up on her way out. There was no adult attendant, kids just played. Nobody thought anything of it, but they would these days for sure.

If my mom was running in to get dry cleaning or something, she would leave me in the car too. It wasn't seen as a bad thing then.

I do like your "Red Dwarf" signature...not very many people know that show :)


You might remember in the first movie when the two sets of in-laws first met that Stanley tells the Dunstans about when new mother Ellie left baby Kay in her carriage in front of the grocery store and came home without her. Things were so different then!


I do think he looked like a 40s or 50s baby. Remember the baby from I Love Lucy? He was fat like that with curls.

My gosh if you could see my baby pics from 1950. My mother did my hair in that topknot curl. It was the style.

But yes, this baby would be put on a diet now and given a haircut.
