The Baby Monitor

Anyone else surprised when Kay's parents give her a baby monitor for the nursery? I had no ideas they existed 60+ years ago. And the window unit A/C must have cost a fortune at that time. Pretty rare to have one in the home back then-usually only movie theaters had them.

"I told you a million times not to talk to me when I'm doing my lashes"!


I took note of it.

Smoke me a kipper. I’ll be back for breakfast


It was obvious that the grandparents tried to outdo each other in giving gifts.


The baby monitor was similar to intercoms that had been common in offices for a number of years. Although not shown it was probably a wired unit. One of the receivers is visible in the living room.

I found a history of air conditioning that said over a million window units were sold in 1953, the time frame of the movie.


Ellie couldn't even remember what it was called! LOL! However, I love the looks of the unit, the curves and elegance of it; industrial design was marvelous in the 1950s!


Also...The Dunstans were much wealthier than the Banks Family. Things like "Air-Con" and Baby Monitors were a normal part of life. So were Nannies.

For the majority of us, "Nanny" was usually spelled "DAD".

DAD was the "Night Shift"...the one who set the alarm for the 2am feeding. He fed us, changed, and cuddled us....rocking us until we fell back to sleep.

My Generation (the tail end of the baby boomers), was probably the last one that still had their heads on straight.

I do hope he won't upset Henry...
