I'm not surprised that spoiler spoiler.
Mcleod got killed.
I mean, what a way to run a police station! You've got a young shoplifter wandering around, mixing with a "four time loser", capable of anything, you've got a first time offender with unlimited access to visitors and even private time with a young female, you've got a high-powered attorney being physically assaulted by a detective (albeit after he, rather unprofessionally, had taunted him about his private life), not to mention his client is almost killed by the same detective, seemingly without sanction! Then you have a detective waggling his ass in the faces of prisoners with his gun handily on offer! People come straight in off the street to report the most trifling matters to these detectives, who seem to jump from one case to another without actually making any records or notes. A line-up is formed in seconds, with detectives from the precinct making up the numbers! When a witness fails to make an ID, a detective shoves her face in the suspect's, shouting "Are you sure you haven't seen this guy before???"
Even in the Ffities I'm sure things weren't this chaotic.
No Guru, No Method, No Teacher.