You seem to choose to ignore the reasons she didn't stay with Tammy. Tammy was not only a criminal when she had her first affair with him, but was and still is married.
Tammy himself said he could not divorce his wife. His solution was to run away with Mary and have the baby instead of trying to resolve things. Even if they had run off together, she'd never have the security of a marriage with Tammy and he likely would have tired of her after a while and gone back to his wife. Tammy may not have come off as bad as her husband, but he definitely wasn't much better!
You'd also notice that although he seemed interested in her to some extent, he didn't really try to involve himself.
And although her husband was the way he was, she did love him and for a long time they got along perfectly. He thought she was pristine and he admired her because of that assumption. His attitude towards her began to change after he discovered her history. He probably felt betrayed by her to some extent because he had set her on a pedastal for so long. I'm not saying it's good reasoning, but that's the way he seemed to feel going by his reactions. Despite being a police officer, or perhaps in part because of, he sees the world in a severe black and white. It's not until the end that he realizes he was wrong.