MovieChat Forums > Detective Story (1952) Discussion > Honestly, Eleanor Parker brought the fil...

Honestly, Eleanor Parker brought the film down for me

And when I say this I mean nothing whatsoever against her personally(I mean, how could I? It's not like we have morning tea together or anything), but her acting- at least as far as this film is concerned- has a quality about it that I have never particularly enjoyed in any of my viewings of the film; it's the one thing that really bugs me about Detective Story, as a matter of fact. I can't really put my finger on what is so wrong but many of her line readings are so hokey and artificial that I honestly cannot help but cringe when the film calls for her to do some real drama. For me, at least, Parker gives the impression that she is reveling in the way she reads the words rather than employing them to portray a character- that she's doing more "line-reading" than "acting".

That's not to say that the the rest of the performances are particularly naturalistic- it's a play-based melodrama from the early 50s, after all-, but where the mugging and scene-chewing of Lee Grant and Joseph Wiseman feel appropriate to and furthers those characters, in Parker's case I think it just bogs her character down.

Of course, this is all my opinion. I hope I didn't ruffle any feathers, and I would be interested to hear opinions to the contrary.


No feathers rufffled, but I think Parker's acting adds to the texture of the film.

Short Cut, Draw Blood


I normally really enjoy Eleanor Parker's performances. I only caught the last 10 minutes of this film when it was on today (hadn't seen it before) so a bit hard to tell.

It did seem to be high on turgid melodrama and speechifying.


Eleonor Parker was nominated for a best actress Oscar for this which she fully deserved. She was brilliant, As for the many comments about how poor and hammy stage actors are,having been one, and seen many other plays, you can be realistic while projecting enough so all can hear you. And, unlike film or commercials there are no 2nd or 10th takes so it's harder. I wonder if anyone on this board has ever seen a play-I mean professional quality esp. No, I never got rich but was happy to make a living doing what I loved inclu. commercials and industrial films so I know the difference.Always loved the stage best and only quit due to disability. Just wanted to show why I think my opinion is well informed because I've been there. Everyone is entitled to his opinion and I didn't mean to offend anyone. Just giving my own. Cheers.


I disagree, she was NOT brilliant here.

As I stated in my review, she went from playing well to acting like a robot and back again, and not intentionally. Eleanor Parker, the ending, and various bits and piece3s turned what should have been an A picture that people really remember to a glorified B movie, if that.


She did overact here (as did Kirk Douglas), as if they were doing the play on stage and had to over-emote to reach the balcony. She went hot & cold so frequently & extremely in response to Douglas' wildly fluctuating emotions that it made me dizzy.


I like Eleanor Parker as an actress but she had her limitations. She rose above them in the previous year's prison drama, Caged, but not in Detective Story. Parker seemed too refined and lady-like to be the wife of Kirk Douglas. My sense is that she came across as being in the wrong movie. It's as simple as that. Most of the rest of the cast, even those who overacted outrageously (Grant, Wiseman) seemed a good fit for the story and its locale; but not Miss Parker.



I entirely disagree and so did the Motion Picture Academy, which nominated Miss Parker for best actress despite appearing in only about three scenes in the film. Her acting in the scene when she rounds on Douglas for his self-righteousness is magnificent.


You must have been watching a different movie.


I was watching the same picture as the Motion Picture Academy, whose endorsement carries far more weight than yours.


To clarify, the Motion Picture Academy nomination of Miss Parker carries far more weight than your criticism. Further, there has never been a better director of actors than William Wyler.


Honestly, I think the OP must've been on drugs when they saw the film. I mean, really. Sometimes drugs can distort your opinion of a movie.

I saw the film a few years ago and was very impressed with Parker's performance. Today I got the chance to see it again to find if it still stood up and it was just as powerful! The scenes she has at the police station are pure gold. Totally mesmerizing totally riveting. I would suggest the OP watch the movie again. Only a zombie could not be moved by her in those scenes.

I graduated from the college of the streets, I gotta Phd in how to make ends meet.
