Klaatu aka a certain "Mister Carpenter".
What could I possibly add that hasn't already been written about this expertly crafted sci-fi classic that 158 film critics (presumably of considerable scholarship coming from the position of being a respected authority either nationally or internationally on the subject of film critique) to say nothing of the 375 user reviews because let's face it, everyone thinks he or she is critic, myself, as limited and meager an offing as mine might be, included. Let's recap a few interesting tidbits of trivia most of us know about the film. Oscar winning director Robert Wise ("West Side Story", "The Sound of Music") and Oscar winning screenwriter Edmund H. North (Co-writer: "Patton") claim that the allegorical Christ-referent in alluding to Klaatu's alias while on earth of a certain "Mr. Carpenter" was purely coincidental and unintentional as astonishing as that confession by both men might be 63 years after the film's premiere. Still audiences simply can't resist drawing parallels. Klaatu is other-worldly. Christ demonstrated time and again to his many followers His other-worldliness (transmuting water molecules into wine, defying gravity by walking on water, resuscitating life in one who was pronounced dead by means of an electro-chemical discharge, etc.). Christ delivered a sermon on the mount. Klaatu delivered a message of warning from his interstellar spacecraft to several representatives of the scientific community representing the favored nations of the Earth, technically, not a mount but close enough. Christ was crucified. Klaatu was shot (twice in fairly close succession during the course of the film). Christ rose again from the dead after lying in a tomb for three days. Klaatu was revived with the personal assist of his traveling companion and intergalactic constable on patrol Gort. Christ then ascended into heaven and after Klaatu had conveyed his warning completing his mission on earth, does likewise. The parallels are not only irresistible, they're unavoidable. And, perhaps for this reason, more than any other any film critic or critic cum movie-lover (first), may have for commenting on this film, this is what resonates most with us who have loved and cherished this film over these many years. Because now, in the new millennium, more so than ever, we need a Christ/Klaatu to come around just to remind us to shape up and fly right...or else!
If you the reader and avid movie lover have any thoughts you'd care to share concerning this topic, the forum is open, by all means, let's hear from you. It's still a free country and your opinions matter everyone.