Gort vs Robbie the Robot

In an epic fantasy who would win the battle....


Unless Robbie has some hidden dark side that we don't know about, I would say Gort hands down. Both seem to be pretty clumsy though. Gort has superior weapons at his disposal.


Gort could easily destroy Robby. And he wouldn't have to move an inch to get the job done.

Hey there, Johnny Boy, I hope you fry!


Gort! Hands down.

Schrodinger's cat walks into a bar, or doesn't.


Agree. Loveable Robbie wouldn't be much more than a slag heap after Gort got done with him.


I have to agree with the consensus here that Gort would definitely beat Robby the robot in a fight. Robbie didn't really have any weapons that we saw but Gort could disintegrate metal objects just that laser beam from his eyes. Robbie is probably the more lovable robot though to be fair.


I think it might be a draw.

Laugh while you can, Monkey Boy!
