MovieChat Forums > I Love Lucy (1951) Discussion > Things that are so Far Fetched that they...

Things that are so Far Fetched that they are annoying

1. In Be a Pal, the donkey in the living room. Really? That thing would have peed and crapped all over the floor. It's bad enough we are supposed to believe she got all those other props. but the Burro was just overkill

2. In Kleptomania at the end she brings a Baby Elephant out of the bedroom. Same problem as above except even more unbelievable.

In general for a housewife without a Charge-A-Plate Lucy does have quite a lot of access to costumes of every sort, even things that most likely would not be in Fred's Vaudeville in pioneer women they all had outfits and she had a bathtub on legs in the kitchen. In the one where she grew got the beard stuck, she had a harem girl outfit...but I digress....


Yes! Outrageous! Imagine, a donkey in the apartment one week, a baby elephant the next. It was totally improbable; after all, pets were definitely NOT ALLOWED as specified in the Ricardo's lease!


The loaf of bread...and pan...growing to 8 feet.

Most of all, though, Lucy and Ethel dressed as martians on the Empire State Building. The concept that they thought nobody would recognize them, and would think they were aliens, was so ludicrous that there was no humor.


Actually, that didn't look like bread at all.
It looked more like a tree trunk.
And Ethel did use a saw to cut it!

BTW, I wonder where the producers got that huge slice of bread that they all ate at the end of the episode.


Haha, yes! I too thought it didn't even look like bread.

That's a good question 


I'm not understanding what you are saying. What are the chances of someone (presumably a tourist) on top of the Empire State Building recognizing two locals dressed as a Martian? I agree that this is not one of the better episodes but I don't see your point.


Of course, nobody would recognize Lucy and Ethel per se, but the gimmick was to make the tourists think they were actual Martians.

Notice that the tourists were from Wichita.
Apparently, the writers of this episode considered that city to be "the sticks", and its citizens therefore gullible to that kind of trick.
And they certainly did look like rubes, especially the woman.




Sounds like your problem, not mine.


I agree with you wholeheatedly. So much of this show was unbelievable, literally, to a modern audience. But you have to think of it during its time. Most of this was brand new. Other shows made racial jokes or ethnic jokes, male dominating humor type jokes. Lucy went for sight gags, slap stick, and unoffensive comedy which made the script rely on rediculous elements to get laughs. But when they found humor in more believable scenarios, it was pure gold. I still laugh at the egg-crushing tango scene. Their faces were brilliant. Besides, if you want to talk about reciculousness on the show, what gets me is how Ricky stayed married to that nut job. ;)


I'm LOLing at the bread pan magically growing to 8 ft.  I was watching a Charlie Brown special where Snoopy went in the kitchen and made a large feast, he put 2 pizzas in the oven, pulled out 4 and brought 6 to the table. lol.



The John Wayne footprint episode drives me insane! So unbelievable.


In a bad way?... Or do you like the episode?
