"Amos n' Andy"

Speaking as an African-American, I would have to say the"Amos n'Andy Show"
was good entertainment for the Family during that time frame. Granted, it was somewhat simplified because of the writing, but the characters reminded me of alot of people that I knew growing up.

The show showed no more stereotypical behavior than other shows with white casts such as "The Beverly Hillbillies" or "All in the Family". People should realize that this was a COMEDY & not the epitome of Black Life!!!
As A Black person I have to ask the question "Why can't we laugh at ourselves"??? We must remember also that these actors made it possible not only to show that Blacks could act & entertain, but they showed the dynamisum of the Black mind.

If it were not for these Pioneers, we wouldn't have the Denzel Washington's, Samuel L. Jacksons, Morgan Freemans, James Earl Jones's, Sidney Poitier's of today.
Spencer Williams Jr; who played the part of "Andrew H. Brown" in the "Amos n' Andy" television series was in his own right a director/producer of many movies that date back to the "Silent Era". He was ALWAYS impressing upon
Freeman Godsden & Charles Correll (The creators of "Amos n' Andy"), to add more meaningful substance to the existing characters.

The bottom line is this. As long as we live in a "free society", where we have the choice to CHANGE THE CHANNEL, that should really be all that really matters. As a television audience, we need to have that choice. When this happens, then we won't have to worry about "controversy" in T.V, programming............
Ernie Swanks.



I appreciate that View, whole-Heartedly !!!. I watched all,78, episodes on DVD & the commentary" amos n' andy - controversey" as well ! It was really refreshing to hear some (Famous) Black - comedians like; Marla Gibbs ( The Jeffersons ) & Redd Foxx ( We all know, this Man's - legendary Genius !!! ) & various others (famous & infamous ) I also agree that - (Godsden & Corell) should get some credit ... after all, they created the radio program & the storyline. However, the Radio shows , to me , can not compete with the visuals of the T.V. show's -(king fish,Amos,Andy,lightning,saphire & - etc... ) Spencer (is Andy) & ( Tim Moore-(George "Kingfish" Stevens) & so on ... My Grandfather - ( when I was a Boy - 1967 ) used to brag upon that show !!! - I never realized , until NOW !!! (I'm Pushin' 40). All the T.V. cast, has past now :( ... (I read & search for, credits & accomplishments) I wanna' see what other films they- all, were in !!! They need,deserve, & I support - a STAR ( for each) on the walk of Fame in Hollywood. I think of "THE AMOS N' ANDY - Show" as not only the first all Black cast comedy - classic ... But One of the BEST comedy series of all time !!! (Amos N' Andy, laurel & hardy, 3- Stooges, Honeymooners ... ) all... Impossible to duplicate , ever again !!!
I petition For : A Star ON THE WALK OF FAME !!!! ( for all & EVERYONE in that wonderful cast !!! ( Wake UP Hollywood !!!) I careless ... white,Black,yellow,green,purple... Talent is Talent - Show some respect - Classics made, everything that followed !!! ( I stated, my oppinion !!!)


Thanks to Ernie and all who have joined in on this conversation about Amos & Andy on television. As usual I've learned something from hanging around this message board: I didn't know that these discs even existed. Given the price, I'll be putting this set on my Christmas list, but one way or another I'll be getting it.

I must be a bit older than most others here, so I recall seeing these shows in their first syndication, and I believe I was in high school, so I have a pretty solid recollection of a number of the episodes. In fact, the show had such an impact on me that to this day (and I have yet to see the discs, mind you) I use certain comic bits that have become part of my cultural furniture.

For instance, certain lawyers who strike me as being a bit shady, like the ones that advertise on tv to get clients who may have slipped and fallen...and you get the picture. Well it doesn't take long for my Algonquin Jayyyyyyyy Calhoun to rise up in me, much to the bafflement of those who've never seen the show.

A few years ago, the writer and Editor, John Ciardi (quite a scholar, really) did a terrifically funny radio essay on distinguishing between a "Malapropism" and a "Neologism", as exemplified by the famous Sheridan character, Mrs. Malaprop, and the more inventive George Kingfish Stevens. Mrs. M might say if she'd lost money in the stock market that he net worth had "RECLINED". The Kingfish, however, were he to suffer a financial reverse (and in what episode did he NOT?)would anoounce that he was "REGUSTED". To be completely correct, however, Kingfish did sometimes use the malapropism as well, like when he sold Andy a pair of eyeglasses by posing as a Registered OPTIMIST.

As far as the race business is concerned, I can remember clearly how my father pointed out to me that he really liked the show for the way it depicted an entire spectrum of social types and levels among the Black people, which was very different from the usual run of servants, field hands, and disreputable looking urban types. Sapphire and Mama/Mama-in-law might have hailed from the working class, but they aspired to hob-nob with the mink-coat and limo folks who owned property, practiced real professions (not like Calhoun) and had just as much class as the pale folks who lived farther down in Manhattan.

This show is simply iconic. Seinfeld gave us the Soup Nazi, but that's just silliness (funny, for sure). Amos and Andy gave lessons on life for those of us who could understand what Andy meant when he explained that for him a change of sox meant making sure that the sock you had on the left foot yesterday got onto the right foot today..."so the big toe don't always get the hole."

Gotta run. "It's ptomaine time."

Armond Aserinsky
North Wales, PA
