"Amos n' Andy"
Speaking as an African-American, I would have to say the"Amos n'Andy Show"
was good entertainment for the Family during that time frame. Granted, it was somewhat simplified because of the writing, but the characters reminded me of alot of people that I knew growing up.
The show showed no more stereotypical behavior than other shows with white casts such as "The Beverly Hillbillies" or "All in the Family". People should realize that this was a COMEDY & not the epitome of Black Life!!!
As A Black person I have to ask the question "Why can't we laugh at ourselves"??? We must remember also that these actors made it possible not only to show that Blacks could act & entertain, but they showed the dynamisum of the Black mind.
If it were not for these Pioneers, we wouldn't have the Denzel Washington's, Samuel L. Jacksons, Morgan Freemans, James Earl Jones's, Sidney Poitier's of today.
Spencer Williams Jr; who played the part of "Andrew H. Brown" in the "Amos n' Andy" television series was in his own right a director/producer of many movies that date back to the "Silent Era". He was ALWAYS impressing upon
Freeman Godsden & Charles Correll (The creators of "Amos n' Andy"), to add more meaningful substance to the existing characters.
The bottom line is this. As long as we live in a "free society", where we have the choice to CHANGE THE CHANNEL, that should really be all that really matters. As a television audience, we need to have that choice. When this happens, then we won't have to worry about "controversy" in T.V, programming............
Ernie Swanks.