This Show Has The Highest Rating of Any Black Movie or TV Show
Unfortunately a mean-spirited, stereotypical, racist television show that portrays black people as idiots gets the highest rating of any other black featured movie or television show on IMDB. This speaks more of our society than anything else. Some white people get comfort from seeing African-Americans as a group of "less than" fools. Some white people find the show objectionable. Yes, I know Amos 'n Andy is funny, but the humor comes from a false place. The humor is there to ridicule a people, to present an image of this group as basically ignorant, humorously-criminal people unworthy of respect. In the world of Amos 'n Andy even a African-American lawyer is unworthy of his title. He made it through law school because he copied or stole some White person's law exam and put his name on it. Even his name is spelled wrong. In the courtroom attorney Calhoun is a perfect idiot. "Well, it's only a tv show."