Memory of a lost programme!
I was a big fan of this film when I was a child in the 80's, but I remember one day flicking through the telly and watching a programme that looked old and set in a period. To my surprise there was Robert Newton back in his role of Long John so I watched on but I can't actually remember much more.
All I can remember is Long John is in jail in England and he is sentanced to be hung, which he is, but survives by inserting a hollow metal tube brought to him by Jim Hawkins into his windpipe so it doesn't get crushed.
Later He pulls the top of his crutch to reveal a hollow shaft from which he pours coins out of.
That's all I can remember and I'd like to know where this progremme is. I've just finished watching 'Long John Silver' the sequel film to Treasure Island and it was great but wasnt what I was looking for.
I know there was a TV Series made but I just want to know if what I describe is one of the episodes!