Is Jim Hawkens evil?

In the Village of the Damned forum the thread children of the Damned? has a post in which HuggySphere says that the hcildren in Chidlren of the Damned were evil because they used mind control to kill people.

I think that if it is evil to use mind control to kill people it is mostly because of the killing and only slightly because of the mind control. Thus killing people by any method, such as shooting them, should be just as evil as killng them susing mind control.

So if HuggySphere believes that killing people using mnd control is always evil, he should beleive that killing epeople using any method is always evil, and thus he should believe that all fictional children, protagonists and antagonists alike, who kill people are evil. And thus he should believe that Jim Hawkens was evil.

So perhaps you might want to point out to him that under some circumstances a chld can kill someone without being evil.
