There was a version filmed in 1972 with Orson Welles playing Long John Silver. It was a fairly understated performance, and in fact the IMDb listing for it lists a sole comment about his "mumbling" his way through the part, which is a fair assessment. Not a bad portrayal, but I'll agree with most of the rest of yez that Robert Newton is the Man.
Also in passing, it may sound a little campy, but you should check out the Disney cartoon "Treasure Planet" which borrows very liberally from the genre. The effect of a bunch of Disneyesque animal characters mixing it up with humans to portray an assortment of Star Wars-esque aliens in an 18th Century sailing flick gone to outer space is just a hoot! The good Doctor is played by someone resembling Goofy with spectacles, but speaking as a proper gentleman, of course, not a "hyuck, hyuck, garsh" sort of fellow. The ship's captain is a feline elfin warrior queen in Royal Navy drag, voiced by Emma Thompson, of all people. Long John Silver is a cyborg, his parrot is a weird blob of ectoplasm that morphs into mimicry of people and critters around it to humorous effect. I'm not saying it's a classic, but it pays enough homage to the various seagoing versions to be respectable, and its variations on the theme are intriguing. And Disney produced the classic back in 1950, after all, so why not an interesting turn with a remake? They are both good, ripping yarns.
But I repeat: Robert Newton is the Man. . .