MovieChat Forums > Treasure Island (1950) Discussion > Best Long John Silver Robt. Newton or Wa...

Best Long John Silver Robt. Newton or Wallace Beeery

Who do you think captured the role of Long John Silver better, Wallace Beery or Robert Newton?
It's a shame the script wasn't better for Newton (and Wallace Beery too, for that matter). But Newton's eyes always did 80 per cent of his acting work for him, anyway so when an oil lamp is held up to his rugged face - that "Long John" persona really hits its mark.

It's too bad the 1950 version fell short (with regard to budget requirements) to the 1934 classic and you certainly can thank Robert Newton exclusively for even holding the follow-up up. But it was worth watching just to watch him act.

Robert Louis Stevenson was a great writer, especially for my generation of kids in the next (twentieth) century. Classic Comic Books (a magazine of the 1950's that illustrated over a thousand classics of Western Literature turning stories Oliver Twist, Pride and Prejudice, and Hamlet into comic books so kids could familiarize themselves with culture even before they've learned to finish reading an entire book from cover to cover) - had a version of Treasure Island that explained the details of these four characters - Jim Hawkins, Long john Silver, Squire Trelawney, and Captain Smollett, the genuine characters in the original book. What good would Treasure Island be without the interactions between these four crucial players in the story? I'm so sick of seeing the addition of new characters (or the deleting of others) in made for tv videos that bring classic characters back to life. If you can ever read the Classic comic Book version of any of Robert Louis Stevenson's classics


I think you mean Classics Illustrated, that I used to buy a lot of when I was a boy, the 'Treasure Island' adaptation as well, which I still have. In my opinion, Robert Newton was the definitive Long John Silver and Bobby Driscoll the definitive Jim Hawkins.


Well I haven't seen the original so I can't compare but it's hard for me to imagine anyone been better as Long John than Newton.I've just seen this for the first time and he was fantastic.


Robert Newton, hand's down. Awesome actor who captured the essence and created a genre of his own. He's a lovable bad guy in Treasure Island. Watch Oliver Twist where Newton is Bill Sykes, now that's a bad guy. Always wondered if Keith Moon of The Who was related to Newton - definite resemblance.


For me, Brian Blessed in Return to Treasure Island.


Wallace Berry


Newton. No contest.

Schrodinger's cat walks into a bar and doesn't.
