MovieChat Forums > This Side of the Law (1950) Discussion > Has This Side of the Law Ever Played on ...

Has This Side of the Law Ever Played on TCM?

This is a 1950 Warner Bros. movie yet I can't recall ever seeing it in the program listings on Turner Classic Movies which seems strange since they run many a vintage WB picture in the ground.


Hi, HarlowMGM. It was on yesterday, but as I hadn't heard of it, I didn't plan on watching it. What I saw looked good, though. I do like Kent Smith and would have planned to watch it for that reason alone. I think it's available on DVD through TCM.


On TCM right now (4/8/13).


This movie is really good. How smart Kent was !!!!!!!!


It was on the Movies! Network last night, part of their Sunday Night Noir lineup.
