Rio Grande and Major Dundee
Anyone notice the similarities between Rio Grande and Major Dundee? In alot of ways, Peckinpah basically re-worked Fords film using plot elements that were very similar but to a very different effect. For example: The civil war background (although in the past in the former movie and the present in the latter) with the different ideas of who one's loyalty is owed to as understood by the Norther character versus the Southern character. There is also the mission to illegally cross into mexico to rescue children taken prisoner by raiding Apaches, which can be read in light of contemporary (to each film) events. Look at how a late 40's early 50's view of such a military action contrasts with a vietnam era view. And in each movie many of the men carrying out the mission would not have been the first choices to do so: green recruits or mercenaries and traitors. There are even significant scenes of the troops singing in both films.
I encourage anyone who likes one or the other of these films to watch both side by side and give some feedback about what you though. Pretty interesting, eh?