Quality of DVD releases?
Well, this film is obviously a public domain title since it shows up as being released by a multitude of DVD companies...
I'd like some feedback on any of these releases so I know which version to look for: ALPHA / IMAGE / TROMA(!) / and the Film Noir set that has Quicksand with about 8 other P.D. titles.
I kind of already know from past experience with ALPHA video that their release is probably the worst (I just had to replace my Alpha DVD of the The Big Combo because it was about the worst transfer of a film I've ever seen on DVD). And I'm going to consider the Film Noir set as my last option, because in the past whenever I get one of these sets with more than 2 movies scrunched all on one single disc, I've always had a problem with freeze-ups (and besides, I already have most of the other films already on DVD or DVD copies from TCM).
So I guess that leaves the IMAGE and TROMA releases...