Danny the Dummy

Obviously Danny's not the brightest bulb in the box. This is especially evident when Vera has to explain to him over the course of a few minutes why it's not a good idea for him to be flashing and spending $50 bills. It took a minute or two for that to sink in.

I wonder if this is also one of the reasons that Rooney didn't like this particular movie?


Yea I was laughing at certain things he did and shaking my head in disbelief!! Getting a 100$ watch and then hawking it for 30$ wasnt a genius idea!And straight after robbing Shorty(the guy everyone knows carries fifties)he then throws a fifty at Lorre to pay Vera's debt and drops the blood covered knotted hankerchief,LOL.Then at the bar she says "if i robbed shorty i wouldnt be spending fifties on the pier",2 minutes later he throws a fifty on the counter,Jesus H Christ.
He must definetly be the inspiration for "Americas dumbest criminals"


I was laughing at some unintentionally funny scenes, like when he and Lorre are fighting over who grabs what first, or when that thing in the showcase goes off playing music and he has to smash the glass to get at it to stop, and it is still running. There also seems to be a few scenes at the end on the pier that looked to be in fast motion. But this was a pretty good movie.

And what was Lorre yelling at those kids when he first appears in the movie, because it sure sounded funny.


********Yea I was laughing at certain things he did and shaking my head in disbelief!! Getting a 100$ watch and then hawking it for 30$******* he didn't pay nothing for the watch yet, however, he needed cash fast so,he was only able to get 30.00 cash for it then to replace the 20.00 from the cash register
