Cats and gunfights

The interesting use of a cat during a gun fight brings to mind Chuck Connors 'Ride Beyond Vengeance' (1966). Chuck holds on to a cat while he shoots it out in a hotel room. This was a really weird scene. Also, Clint Eastwood holds on to a kitten during the shelling of a village in 'Good Bad and the Ugly'.


You learn something every day.



I haven't seen this movie, Dallas. I was reading through the stuff here, trying to figure out if I should. This post has made me decide I want to watch it and the other movies mentioned too (I haven't seen any of 'em yet).

Holy crap, it's neat that this person started an IMDb account just to point out scenes with cats in gunfights in Western movies.


Not a true statement. I did not sign on IMDB to make a cat point. I signed on in 2006. The info at the top is wrong. Don't go CNN on me dude.


The most memorable thing about an otherwise average western.
