Now on DVD from Camp Cult Classics!
"Line up, you tramps!" This great film is now out on dvd. Amazon has it in a boxed set with TROG and THE BIG CUBE for 20.99!
share"Line up, you tramps!" This great film is now out on dvd. Amazon has it in a boxed set with TROG and THE BIG CUBE for 20.99!
shareI'm glad this film is on DVD, but labeling it a "camp classic" is just plain wrong. There's nothing remotely campy about this great movie; it's a very gritty and potent picture that holds up well even today.
I enjoy keeping busy. Satan finds work for idle hands.
Some of it may seem "camp" now but obviously the producers were trying to make a very serious movie with an important theme. They were sincere in their eforts.
shareEven watching it now 57 years later, the movie doesn't seem very 'camp' to me. But, I hope its DVD release will get others to discover this movie gem. I saw it be accident in a store window and rented it on NetFlix. A good noir movie on female prisons.
shareI was looking forward to seeing this but when I se it labelled a "cult camp classic" makes it sound as though it's in the same league as "Trog"...
share"Some of it may seem "camp" now but obviously the producers were trying to make a very serious movie with an important theme. They were sincere in their eforts."
And they succeeded. Because, as other posters have said, there's nothing even remotely campy in this movie. A very dark and gritty prison movie. As far as prison movies go, I think this one is a lot better than the Shawshank Redemption.