Holliday's Voice
I've just watched BORN YESTERDAY again for the first time in many years, and I thoroughly enjoyed it. Did Holliday deserve that Oscar? Yes, she did - it's a terrific performance - it's just that some people feel that Holliday's win (for a definitive performance) robbed Gloria Swanson and/or Bette Davis of a win for their definitive performance - as has been mentioned, Academy voters had a tough job that year. Personally, I'm a great admirer of all three performances, and it's really hard to pick one over the others without feeling somewhat disloyal. For many people Holliday's win has always had a little cloud over it, for which she's certainly not to blame: she did her best work and was rewarded for it.
I was struck again by Holliday's remarkable voice, over which she seemed to have complete mastery - it could be shrill, or a squeak, or a whine, or a bark or a low-timbered rumble, and it could be very, very plaintive and touching - whatever was called for, she delivered.
"I don't use a pen: I write with a goose quill dipped in venom!"---W. Lydecker