
I note someone mentioned that the little girl Queenie (Gene Neigbours) who found the murder weapon in the canal was 'not a child prodigy'
However for the small role she had I thought she was pretty good !

Ok she only had to say 'no' to the interviewing Officers questions but I thought she did it pretty well for a youngster.

I cannot see any reference to acting after this film . unless someone knows otherwise.


I think she played her small part very effectively. The repeated "No" responses were said in the typical fashion of a stubborn kid.

The few other lines also came across well, e.g. when asked "Do you know what a murderer is?" and she gives a kind of knowing look as she hesitates for just a split fraction of a second before replying "Someone what gets hung?"

All very natural.


Yes, I liked the line where she says 'my dad says all coppers are...'

Actually the real use of the word 'bastard' near the end of the film must have been quite daring for 1950.


