MovieChat Forums > The Blue Lamp (1951) Discussion > views after seeing it again after many y...

views after seeing it again after many years.

I am a big fan of old British films and Dirk Bogarde.

I recall liking this film seeing it on tv many years ago and have seen it since but finally got it on dvd.

I found I like the film a lot,negative points first,very sentimental and folksy at points.
The film was made with the help of the police and it is a very pro police film.

The film shows the police structure at the time,forensic labs,radio controlled cars,events coordinated by the information room at Scotland Yard.

But the good points outweight the weak ones.

The use of location filming and the showing of the bleak lives and lifestyles of the young gangsters must have been impressive to audiences when it was first shown,IT ALWAYS RAINS ON SUNDAYS and WATERLOO ROAD were similar in their content.

I like the acting,BOGARDE is great as the leading thug.
He looks great in this,men and women must have lusted after him back in the day.


Your NEGATIVE points are bizarre, PRO-POLICE .... you are complaining that a film isn't championing the actions of the criminal? In this case a killer of a policeman, do you also complain that all British war films paint Nazis in a negative light? and as for it being FOLKSY, SENTIMENTAL .... This is an OLD film and thats how they were back then and in this case its done to humanise the police, especially Dixon to make his killing more hard hitting. I despair of people like you, seriously, you need to stick to watching Sesame Street as you clearly are too ignorant to appreciate and comment on cinema.


The use of location filming and the showing of the bleak lives and lifestyles of the young gangsters must have been impressive to audiences ...
Agreed, but not just the gangsters. Check the kids "play grounds" for instance. Living in post war London, with some degree of rationing still in place I believe, wasn't always an easy, pleasant gig.🐭
