That's exactly how I am with most 1930s and 1940s films, I got a talent of mentaly and emotionally transporting myself back to those time periods while watching and I love it. I almost feel like I've been there and it was great. Funny thing though, not this film as much cause I don't love Betty Hutton as much as some of them such as Judy Garland, Esther Williams, Eleanor Powell, Ruby Keeler, Ginger Rogers, Mae West, The Marx bros, Gene Kelly. Fred Astaire, William Powell, Lana Turner, Myrna Loy, and lots more. Anyway, I saw your comment about being able to transport yourself back to the era and I immediately could relate to that. I have a list of a good number of 30s and 40s films with the above people I listed that makes me feel that way. I can't explain it but even with the depression and WW2, there's still something special about that time period. Hollywood's golden age films and celebs are part of it but there's even more to it than that I can't explain. Just the whole era itself.