An Iron Curtain descends on Burgundy
An explosion in inner-London Pimlico reveals a treasure trove which 'proves' that the area is part of Burgundy ceded in the 15th century to the Duke of Burgundy, Charles the Rash (not a reference to the incumbent heir to the British throne). Spivs move into the area looking to make a profit & chaos reigns. The film sustains itself largely on this one joke as Pimlico declares itself independent from the surrounding United Kingdom, installing barricades ("We will fight them on the tramlines, we will fight them on the Tube!"), imposing customs duties & the like. The film humorously analogises the conflict between Burgundy/Pimlico & the UK with the 1948 Berlin Blockade involving the East Bloc against the 'Free' World. Prefigures some of the themes of The Mouse that Roared a decade later than Passport to Pimlico. Nice turn by Margaret Rutherford playing her usual part as a whacky eccentric. An innocuous, whimsical little comedy which doesn't rise to any great heights.