Did I imagine this?

I remember seeing "Mighty Joe Young" on TV in the late 1980's, and again in the mid 1990's. When I saw it in the 1990's, it must have been a different print because I could have sworn the majority of the movie was in "Black and White", but the "burning orphanage" scene was tinted sepia.

Did I imagine this, or am I getting it confused with a different classic movie about a gorilla?



Sincerely, Steve B.


Nope, it was MJY and that scene was indeed tinted.

Having watched this for many years, I was not even aware of the burning orphange scenes being tinted until I bought a VHS version in the 1990s!


Thanks "Big G-2!" Now I know I was not a victim of "False Memory Syndrome!"


Sincerely, Steve B.


The climactic fire sequence in Mighty Joe Young was indeed tinted for the film's original release, and the tinting has been restored for recent TV airings as well as the DVD release. However, the color tint was red, not sepia.

All the universe . . . or nothingness. Which shall it be, Passworthy? Which shall it be?


The tinting was to add more pop to the burning orphanage sequence. It was added to some of the earlier VHS releases.



