original vs remake
Which was the better movie, never seen them, but want to know what people think about both of them.
shareWhich was the better movie, never seen them, but want to know what people think about both of them.
sharethe original is much better
shareI second that. I was surprised to see so many stars given for the remake at IMDB.
shareI like both.
the 1998 remake is different enough but still touching and with groundbreaking visual effects for the time. I cried when i saw it on the big screen. If you love the original, there is deffinetly a place in your heart for the 1998 version. Much better remake than the '76 Kong.
I agree with one of the people who wrote a review, Moore and Johnson were pretty bad actors IN THIS MOOVIE- Maybe later they got some skills, actually Ben Johnson was pretty beloved by a bunch of people.
And Moore was probably being dorked by Hughes if we believe the claims that she was secretly Hughes wife. So, well, If Hughes was Head of RKO back in 49, then he had some nominal influence on this, heh? We can infer, although he is not listed aas having anything to do with this moovie. But we can assume that he had his fingers in some, er, pies. We know what Hughes valued: Action, and S-E-C-T-S, deliberate mispelling: Ahaha. And this film has both, to some extent. Lots of good action actually.
Ray 'Hairy'Hausen at some of his best: And the newest editions of this film that are being shown of course have the fire scene back in. The first time I saw this, it was sans the fire scene.
I wish Jackson had remade THIS film rather than King Kong. He ought to do it anyway. Maybe in 10 years, eh?
And the newest editions of this film that are being shown of course have the fire scene back in. The first time I saw this, it was sans the fire scene.
I've never seen Mighty Joe Young minus the fire sequence, either on broadcast TV or on cable. How could that scene be cut out? It's the entire climax of the movie!
Perhaps you were referring to the red tint used for that scene, which was recently restored.
All the universe . . . or nothingness. Which shall it be, Passworthy? Which shall it be?
Both Ben Johnson and Terry Moore were inexperienced actors at this point...Johnson had mostly been a rodeo cowboy, a bit player, and an extra untill just a couple of years before this, and Moore might never have acted before. But they come off as likable.
sharethe first one. the second one was ok too.
shareI enjoyed both the original and the 1998 remake, however the original is a more enjoyable film in my opinion. Basically for me it came down to the special effects, and I prefer Harryhausen's masterful work over CGI. The 1998 remake is (as previously mentioned) a much better remake than the 1976 King Kong though.
Remakes that are in color are always superior to an original that was made in b/w
shareNot always. Psycho, Night of the Living Dead, The Haunting, The House on Haunted Hill, and Nosferatu are all black and white films that are better than their remakes.
sharePsycho was virtually the same movie, original and remake. The original Nosferatu was a silent film. How can a silent film be better than the same story but with sound? I never saw the other 3 you mentioned