question on music


i am asking this question as this is the last place i can hope to find and answer. the scene where louis and sibella exchange good news, louis: has got a new job and sibella: is to be married to lionel, she is dancing to a waltz played on the gramophone in the background. the tune has been in my head for ages now and i was just wondering if anyone knew the name of the waltz, if it was a real dance tune or one composed for the movie by philip lane.

also, i loved the music on the opening credits, from 'il mio tesoro intanto', i managed to record the music off the DVD and onto an mp3 file and will try to send it to anyone who asks and sends me their e-mail address.




not an answer to your question but only a further comment on the use of 'il mio tesoro' in the film; it's been played and sung several times, but not the middle section where revenge is in the original lyrics by DaPonte: "I shall return as a messenger of punishment and death" However I do believe the idea was implicated in context and the reason the Mozart aria was chosen to be the theme tune for the film. To think Louie even brought the message of death to his own father!
