Why was Gino so upset?

After the run on the bank, he told his sons that the only reason he kept working so hard running the bank after he had already made enough money for himself and his wife was so that his sons would get it. He didn't want anything more for himself and Mama--it was all for the sons. So why was he so pissed off when the sons took over the bank after the scandal? He wanted the sons to get the bank...the sons got the bank. I was waiting for one of them to remind him of what he said, but they never did.

"Who's running this airline?!"


Well, earlier at the dinner he had told his oldest son that he would get the bank after he dies. And then he specifically accentuated the words, "After I die!"

So sure, he wanted his sons to get the bank, but he didn't want to be a useless old man just hanging around. He loved the action and he wanted to be at the center of it.


Yeah. I guess I get it, but, the thing is, after Gino's trial following the investigation there was no way he was going to be running the bank--even after a re-organization. So it was either his sons take over, or the bank is finished with no one running anything because there would be nothing to run.

Guess I couldn't get past that. Still a very good movie with great performances all-around.

"Who's running this airline?!"
