Women have been using their looks to their advantage since the beginning of time. He was just ahead of his time. Isn't it better to have a relationship rather than for her to be alone with her father's money? In that last scene she was locking out the world for the rest of her life. Who'd want that?
Good grief. Did you forget the time period we're talking about? Even up until the latter half of the 20th century, women were shut out of prestigious and well paying jobs and positions. So, naturally they were *expected* to marry up, gain a comfortable home, provide children, and maintain those homes and children.
Hell, women had to fight for right to vote and earn high paying jobs, if they weren't content with merely seeking out rich husbands.
What's was Morris' excuse? He tried to blame his sister and her kids for him not trying to do anything for himself, but the doctor saw through that lie immediately. The truth was there was nothing keeping from finding a position or working his up through the ranks.
Even Dr. Sloper said so when Morris came to have dinner with them. When tried to worm his out with excuses and looked crestfallen when the doctor plainly said he had no "position" (that of a husband to his heiress daughter) to offer him, that's when Austin realized Morris was just a lazy, good for nothing with nothing, but his looks and charm to offer. Unlike what was expected of women, he probably wouldn't have even made a good caretaker to his children, considering he did nothing to help his own sister or his nieces and nephews.