I Do Not Ask Or Give Help

I understand him not asking for help but isn't it acceptable for an egoist to 'help' another as long as it is not a sacraficial act? A parent may pay for a child's tuition not out of a duty but because the parent loves and values that child ...


Like so much about this film it a silly, pretentious line. Ugh.


Yes, exactly like the one about "A person that works for another without pay is a slave"

Forget about charity and empathy - this is pure Aryan Neonazi propaganda.

Come on lads, bags of swank!


Do you mean Rand is trying to promote national socialism?


In spite of what they may have called themselves, Nazis were no socialists.


by JudyLaHara 9 hours ago (Tue Jan 29 2013 14:43:29)

In spite of what they may have called themselves, Nazis were no socialists

Both ARE at the very least two sides of the same coin. Both seek control of private property either by outright confiscation or by strictly limiting the use. Both require SACRIFICE. Sacrifice to the 'Working Class' or to the 'Volk'. Both have two key elements or requirements. The need for sacrifice and its resulting by-product ,,, VICTIMS.


LesterFester is confusing Socialism with Communism.

In fact Hitler's group infiltrated an existing political party which was indeed called (in translation) The Socialist Workers Party. They used this to gain a foothold in the Reichstag and give them legitimacy in elections - never forget Hitler didn't SEIZE power he was legally elected by an adoring country.

Furthermore Fascism operated with the State sponsored by Big Business which profited greatly from the need of any Fascist State to re-arm and act in a bellicose manner.

Come on lads, bags of swank!


LesterFester is confusing Socialism with Communism.

In fact Hitler's group infiltrated an existing political party which was indeed called (in translation) The Socialist Workers Party. They used this to gain a foothold in the Reichstag and give them legitimacy in elections - never forget Hitler didn't SEIZE power he was legally elected by an adoring country.

Furthermore Fascism operated with the State sponsored by Big Business which profited greatly from the need of any Fascist State to re-arm and act in a bellicose manner.

Come on lads, bags of swank!


LesterFester is confusing Socialism with Communism.

In fact Hitler's group infiltrated an existing political party which was indeed called (in translation) The Socialist Workers Party. They used this to gain a foothold in the Reichstag and give them legitimacy in elections - never forget Hitler didn't SEIZE power he was legally elected by an adoring country.

Furthermore Fascism operated with the State sponsored by Big Business which profited greatly from the need of any Fascist State to re-arm and act in a bellicose manner.

Come on lads, bags of swank!


LesterFester is confusing Socialism with Communism.

In fact Hitler's group infiltrated an existing political party which was indeed called (in translation) The Socialist Workers Party. They used this to gain a foothold in the Reichstag and give them legitimacy in elections - never forget Hitler didn't SEIZE power he was legally elected by an adoring country.

Furthermore Fascism operated with the State sponsored by Big Business which profited greatly from the need of any Fascist State to re-arm and act in a bellicose manner.

Come on lads, bags of swank!


German Workers Party. Hitler joined and basically took over


Compensation can come in forms other than money--e.g. joy of giving, a sense of accomplishment. The only people who work without any compensation are slaves, those who do not have free will.


Howard Roark to Peter Keating (9:17): "I don't give or ask for help"

Howard Roark to Dominique Francon (80:48): "Before you leave him, will you help me with a problem of my own?"



It's OK to give your entire self up to someone else, to live your life only to support and serve them, as long as you are a woman....sigh.

This movie, and the book, were just so silly and pretentious.


unless you believe that roark taught himself the ins and outs of architecture without going to school or ever cracking a book, obviously he had plenty of help. this is just another half-thought-out randism.


by phantom2-2 » 14 hours ago ... unless you believe that roark taught himself the ins and outs of architecture without going to school or ever cracking a book, obviously he had plenty of help. this is just another half-thought-out randism.
Roark fresh out of high school would have easily found a job. Maybe working in a rock quarry. I'm sure even you would agree he should be paid for his services. During this time he would pay for his living expenses and by economizing he would be able to attend school even if only at night. In time he'd be able to offer his services to a professional as his apprentice or assistant. And in time he'd be able to establish himself in his own business. The main thing that should be understood is that throughout Roark's life he offered his services {value} in exchange for goods and services {values he obtained} ... quid pro quo ... Exactly where does 'asking for help' fit into this equation ? Is this 'half-thought-out' ?

'Three can keep a secret ... if two are dead'


how did roark get through high school? did he pay for that too?


By Andrew Bissell ... Ethically, Objectivism is opposed to any unchosen or undeserved duties. In this context, however, Objectivists generally acknowledge that parents, in creating (or adopting) a dependent child, choose for themselves the obligation to raise that child to a healthy adulthood with the power to exercise his rational faculty (if he so chooses). This obligation implies that the parents must undertake certain tasks at least to some minimal standard, including feeding and clothing the child and providing him with a basic education.


'Three can keep a secret ... if two are dead'


so you're saying that roark had objectivist parents?

that's pretty ungrateful of roark not to acknowledge them, isn't it?


The voluntary obligation is taken on by the parent. There is no debt owed by the child. If you have grown children are you demanding recompense?

'Three can keep a secret ... if two are dead'


obviously roark's parents weren't in the courtroom, as there was no loud outburst of laughter when he says this line.

i also doubt mommy and daddy roark were serenely evaluating what a fair investment they'd made in junior.

i don't expect my children to repay me for raising them, but they're also smart enough to know that they've had plenty of help getting to where they are today.


I don't think there was any mention of his parents in the book. I assumed he was an orphan.
