File for Thelma Jordan

Thank-you bmcy for that great review of this classic 40s noir; very informed, positive yet poised. Now that I've read and heard so much about it, my only question is, why is this classic currently not available anywhere ? What do we have to do to get whoever the manufacturers are to release (re-release ?) this masterpiece ? Any ideas, comments, suggestions very welcome.


Did you ever find a copy? Do you have any knowlege of when it might be released on dvd? I wonder if it is a rights issue, that has held up a number of excellent movies.



You can now download it (legally) on the internet archive :



Can anyone please supply me with a decent dvd copy of this movie ?
I know it`s in the public domain, so it is legal to download but I don`t seem to be able to do it and get it burned to a decent dvd.
Sooo.., if someone out there with a better technical knowhow have succeded, I would like to buy a copy if possible.
You can contact me by sending a mail to [email protected]


Go to twisted anger dot net..They gave it a 9/10 picture and sound rating and plus,it's only 6.75....Thanks! Gary B.


The File On Thelma Jordon has now been released on DVD and Blu-ray disc by Olive Films. I strongly advise you to buy one of these discs.

I also advise you to be very sceptical about any claims on the Internet about this or that film being in the public domain.


Amen, Robin. Thelma is not in the public domain, and the Olive Films DVD release is of superb quality. "You get what you pay for."
