MovieChat Forums > The File on Thelma Jordon (1950) Discussion > Corey just ain't the leading man type.

Corey just ain't the leading man type.

The synopsis writen by handlinghandel sure pegged it about the chemistry between Barbara and Wendell...or more accurately, the lack thereof. It was painful. I don't mean to be gratuitously cruel but there were times when his eyes made him look like some kind of alien or zombie.
And let's see if I can do this without spoilers: Once we got past the "critical moment" with auntie the play between Corey and Stanwick was all business, and that worked much better. They just didn't do the "affair" part very well. I've always liked him, but he just ain't the romantic lead type.

Anyway, it was a good thriller with interesting twists...and suggestions of twists. A good noir mystery. I'll say 6 1/2 or 7 out of 10.

Oh, and here's one that should go in the "goofs" catagory: The car they were riding in at the end changed to an older clunker before...oops...coulda been another spoiler. Well, you'll see.

Ciao, e buon auguri


I agree!

There's nothing exactly wrong with Wendell Corey...he was excellent as the police detective in "Rear Window," helping his friend James Stewart look into the suspicious goings-on across the courtyard.

But that's just it -- James Stewart, while often as low-key as Wendell Corey,
could dial up the emotion when needed.

Wendell Corey conveyed the same essential "nice guy" quality as Stewart, but Stewart had other facets, other faces.

Still, I liked "Thelma Jordon" a lot. The plot doesn't stand up to a lot of post-viewing analysis, but it plays out intriguingly.

Plus, Barbara Stanwyck is always good.


How's THIS for cruel: Whenever a friend's dad used to - uh - Pass gas,
he'd say, "Oh, Wendell." We never got it as kids. Only later did we
learn this old man was referring to Wendell Corey. In his eyes, Corey
always looked as though he had just cut the cheese. Now, as an adult
I get it and ROAR!! Sexy, he wasn't.


There were actually a number of "Wendell Coreys" during this era - bland men who played opposite the great women stars but in no way were great stars themselves but their roles were usually too secondary for major male stars to be considered. George Brent is probably the most quinessential actor like this (he was actually a bit earlier in films) but others would include Lee Bowman, John Lund, MacDonald Carey, Zachary Scott, Don Defore, Barry Sullivan, etc. I think they were often chosen for their lack of star quality to make the ladies shine even brighter.


Every single one of those men you mentioned had far more sex appeal than


Wendell Corey really had no sex appeal, but Stanwyck had enough sex appeal fr 10 leading men. He was a bland actor and alcohol had certainly made him look older than his 33 years t the time of the film.


Oh Wendell.


I think he works in the beleaguered husband aspect of the part, but that first time he kissed Stanwyck... self-pitying and sloppy drunk, I'm not buying it. Unless her plan was entrap him in the plot to rob her aunt I see no reason why she would have returned his affections.
It's not just the actor, I think the script doesn't give him much room to be macho or suave. Too much whining about his father-in-law.


That WAS her plan! Didn't you watch the movie?


Yea, like when he played old milk toast Carl in Holiday Affair. Now, I ask you, who would chose Wendall over Robert Mitchum! To give him a little credit, I thought he was respectable as the psychiatrist in Sorry Wrong Number.


Unfortunately I couldn't agree more. Corey is not a bad actor by any means but he is not convincing in lead roles as the romantic lover. He is good in supporting roles, e.g. as the leading man's best friend. Otherwise, he is dull as dishwater and a completely charisma-free zone.

I saw Corey as the romantic lead in Hell's Half Acre opposite Evelyn Keyes and it is the same problem in this movie. It is very hard to believe that any woman would pine after him for several years.

Here Stanwyck and Corey make an unlikely couple because she is really outside his league.

I liked the movie anyway but that is entirely due to Stanwyck. It is her show and she could easily carry the movie by herself.

Jessica Rabbit
"I'm not bad. I'm just drawn that way."


Watchu all smokin'?

Wendell was great in this and I had no problem with the chemistry.

I really like Wendell Corey, he was also fantastic oposite La Crawford in Harriet Craig.

Not necessarily a super gorgeous romantic lead, but a terrific character actor - which is what this part called for IMO.

So put some spice in my sauce, honey in my tea, an ace up my sleeve and a slinkyplanb


Wendell had alcoholic eyes....kinda creepy.


As bland and mild-mannered as he appears on the surface, I always sensed something smoldering down deep. He does a slow burn, but burns, none the less.


agreed. it did not work


Yeah he's very bland here.
