Poor chicken :(
During the car chase scene with all the hairpin turns, right after the guy runs off the road kind of, you can clearly see a chicken get PLOWED over by the first car!
The way it was cut, they kept the camera right on the aftermath of all the feathers and rolling carcass for a good bit after the car went by almost as if it was intentional for everyone to see clearly.
It made me laugh quite a bit and I actually had to watch it again frame by frame to make sure my eyes didn't deceive me! It was definitely a REAL chicken! Maybe it was put in for comedic effect? No way anyone could miss it...
So much for the "No Animals were Harmed" bit by the American Humane Association! Haha I guess they didn't care about one little chicken back then, if they even do nowadays.
I thought it was quite hilarious! :D