Actually, the stories that Jay Silverheels told at various
publicity appearances included ones about how "Silver" was
a great "show horse": patient between camera/scene takes
and good with the kids at the appearances---but he wasn't
a particularly fast steed. In fact the various Paints
used as "Scout" were all faster! To shoot the typical
scenes of the two friends riding together (the Lone Ranger
HAD to be in the lead, since HE was the primary star)
required that Tonto restrain "Scout" who, if given free
rein, would easily get ahead of "Silver."
Yet, even "Scout" wasn't a speed demon either: at some
appearance someone suggested that a good stunt would be
to promote a race between the two horses. Tonto didn't
think too much of the idea, saying something like, "Hell,
even I could beat 'Scout'!"