Can this be considered Film Noir?

There is debate about whether this film is a Western even though I think it is, I would argue that thematically its more of a Film Noir. What do you guys think?


Yes it it. I know people who won't watch this movie because they think it's a John Wayne type western.


It´s interesting that it is very rarely mentioned as one. It´s considered one of the greatest films of all time but you never see it on a "Best of Noir" list.


I also know people who refuse to watch westerns, and I think that's pretty closed-minded of them.


Noir in a western setting.


what noir elements are in this movie??
i took it as an adventure / western / thriller drama


B&W. Psychological narrative. Pessimistic tone. Dark ending. Flawed protagonist. Jealousy, greed, murder, betrayal. All elements of noir.


definitely noir


most movies from the 40s were b&w, regardless of genre.
the ending isn't dark really, considering the two remaining guys (the actual protagonists) manage to look "at the bright side" of things and can laugh about their wasted efforts, so it's not pessimistic at all.

with noir movies i'd associate urban settings, a detective, femmes fatales etc.


Some Noir purists disregard non B&W movies being Noir because it doesn´t check that box. "Leave her to heaven" is an example of a 40´s movie in colour there is debate over because it has a femme fatale as well as other Noir elements but doesn´t tick the B&W box.
The protagonist dies and they lose all their gold. How is that not a dark ending despite how upbeat the remaining two were? The tone of the movie itself is pessimistic despite what you feel about the ending.
I think there are certainly enough Noir elements for it to be called a Noir and btw not every traditional Noir is a detective movie with a femme fatale in it. I also disagree, that Howard was a protagonist. Howard doesn´t show up until at least 20-30 minutes into the film. Dobbs is the main character up until his death. One could argue that Dobbs starts off as Protagonist and gradually descends into Antagonist hence the term "flawed hero".


Hang on, Laura in B&W - unless there is some horrid colourised version floating around - and Gene Tierney is not playing a femme fatale, rather an beautiful innocent who everyone falls in love with. But personally I wouldn't consider Laura a noir - more of a straightforward murder mystery.
Regarding Treasure, I've always thought of it as a later day western with none of the elements of a true noir.


My bad, it was "Leave her to heaven". Edited to avoid confusion. And fyi Laura is considered a noir.


I guess not by me - but then again I'm not sure I could define what is and is not noir. I would say Laura lacks a couple of elements to make in noir, specifically a scheming femme fatale and an anti-hero type lead.
Perhaps noir is one of those things that you know it when you see it and is most easily recognizable with Bogart as the lead?


only because noir movies are usually b&w doesn't mean that all b&w movies are noir.
the tone is not pessimistic per se, there are dark elements as usual in thrillers, dramas, adventures for the sake of suspense and tension. and the ending is 100% optimistic (with a dark humorous flavor if you will).
i agree with dobbs starting off as the protagonist and descending into the antagonist.


I never said all B&Ws are noir. I just meant that being a B&W film checks off another box that people usually need for a movie to be considered noir.
That´s the first time I´ve heard anyone say its a positive ending. I certainly would not call it a traditional "happy ending" or "100% optimistic". lol
So you agree with me it has dark elements? Almost the entire movie is about Dobbs´ gradual descent into paranoid madness. I wouldn´t call that typical for an adventure film or even a western.


I definitely wouldn't consider it a western, since it takes place in 1948.


It takes place in 1920´s Mexico which still excludes it from typical Western era films but it does have elements of a Western setting.
