It's odd, this IMDb profile doesn't list any 'goofs' for the movie but one is quite glaring...
When young girl Virginia smashes the head of the soldier doll her father won for her...The next scene shows the doll's head in tact (as it does through the rest of the film) but it's quite impossible as she really smashed the head in totally!
‘Six inches is perfectly adequate; more is vulgar!' (Prime of Miss Jean Brodie Re: An open window).
Maybe she switched the head from the other doll (Queenie)... gave it a transgendered dissociative complex. Wouldn't that be a good sub-plot/prop/in-joke ;)
I just read the "goof" comment, and then saw it in the movie a few moments ago. Is it possible that it is NOT a goof? That it is foreshadowing of her "out of mind" behavior, that she remembered destroying the doll and acting out, but really didn't? She was by herself when the doll was destroyed, so maybe she was "dreaming" that she was "strong enough" to "fight" her father. Maybe she even knew he was sick and secretly (as some kids do) kind of hoped he'd keel, without understanding that yes he would.
The flashback technique does leave some confusion as to what really happened and what she remembers but really is an exaggeration or just didn't happen.
I always thought that was supposed to be a dream that she remembered as really happening.
Ugggh - that is one of the worst things that can happen to a person, and it can also be used to gaslight people who remember a real event and are ''told'' it is a dream.
I have memories of 2 fights between my in which I was in the car while they argued on the sidewalk, and I shifted the car into neutral accidentally, and rolled backwards...another where Mom pulled a gun on Dad..
They both swear it never happened...but... I just know it did..It's so vivid...if it didn't actually happen, I seriously need to question my concept of "reality".
The mind is some scary bleep. What other organ can fool you, and yet convince you that you are not being fooled?
I suspect your parents are trying to protect you from the "trauma". Well-intentioned lies like that are worse than the truth they are trying to shield you from.
just finished watching the movie. I saw the Same thing Virginia smashes the Doll. Time slips by and after her Dad Died the Doll is fixed. What if sometime between her smashing the Doll and her Dad Passing away. He brought her another one. She could of Repressed that part of her Memory.
That being said WOW what an Intresting movie. Loved all the Extras that filled up the Mental Hospital. WOuld be a fun Play to cast for the Stage.
This sonic transducer is I suppose some kind of audio-vibratory-physio-molecular transport device
I simply wondered whether it was the same doll. The first one that she destroyed was clearly the little soldier boy that her father had won for her at the fair. Most little children have more than one doll - we know that Virginia had at least two.
I thought the one she carried as the doctor came to see her father was a different doll - although it was similar enough in appearance to be confusing.