MovieChat Forums > Red River (1948) Discussion > my reply to that 'homosexuality' thread

my reply to that 'homosexuality' thread

i didnt read all these replies because i noticed that they got quite insane fairly early on.

to answer the OP, i think what you're reffering to is that Montgomery Clift was actually gay in real life. thats a fact, everyone knows that.

thats all that needed to be said.

why have a big argument about homosexuality?

im gay, i dont promote myself, i dont get abuse, maybe im lucky because i live in a large liberal english city, but all of my straight male friends (and that really is a lot of people) are fine about me being openly gay

so why do we get posters asking gay people to stop "pushing their agenda"? the problem lies with them

besides, what agenda?

whats wrong with everyone? chill out!

why did i even bother posting this?

anyway im going to watch this film this afternoon because im bored and its going to be on TV

i really doubt there is any kind of "gay subtext" in any way in the film, considering it stars john wayne and was released in 1948


Hi meat_treats.

I'm also gay and have just browsed through that gay thread as well. My issue with it is - though I'm comfortable with my sexuality and I also live in a British city which is very liberal - I get a bit bored with gay people who have to see a gay subthread in everything. (Not you, but some people are like this).

Don't get me wrong. I'm not defending the awful knee-kerk spluttering of the neo-cons about the 'gay agenda.' But then, why the need to imply a sub-text at all? It's just a movie, isn't it?

I'm watching the film too (same showing) and enjoying it. Isn't Monty Clift just stunning to look at??? John Ireland isn't bad either, but Monty was just something truly special, eh?

Enjoy the rest of it. :-))



"Maybe I should go alone"
- Quint, Jaws.


OK--I'm gay too. The only gay "subtext" I see in this was when Clift and Ireland where comparing each others "guns". But that's just a very small bit of a long movie. And how exactly is this movie pushing a "gay agenda"??? Some people have too much time on their hands.


I'll have to look up that gay thread but so what? I can vaguely recall the celluloid closet had a scene with Matt and Cherry that seemed to have a gay subtext, when they are dueling with the guns.

Big deal, I am not gay but I thought if that is what it was then good for getting that under the censor's radar.


