Colour version DVD

Although I think that films are always best viewed in the manner in which they were shot (eg A Christmas Carol starring Alistair Sims is much more effective in the original B&W version, especially the scenes with the ghosts) I really want a colour version of this.
So does anyone know if there is a colour version available, I have it in B&W but would like a colour version if possible (I have seen a colourised version on TV).


The colorized version would represent artistic tampering and unethical conduct. Why would you support that by buying such a version?

Red River was shot in black-and-white for a reason, and it probably wouldn't be as austere and compulsive in colorized form.


I have already said that I prefer films in the medium in which they were originally shot, however I have seen a colourised verson of this and would like to add it to my collection if it is commercially available.


Hawks didn't use colour at the time because he thought it had a "garish" look to it. He shot in B/W to get a feel of the period and because it made things feel older. Subsequently, when colour improved he preferred to use that instead. I've seen the film in saturated colour and it is less solemn than the B/W version. I think Hawks would have approved of the change. I can't find a colour version either.



Both B/W and colour have their merits. B/W imbues the story with a greater sense of tragic realism and anachronism, while colour enhances the mise-en-scene and viewing pleasure.



I remember Roger Ebert commenting a few years ago, that he always used to think of Red River in color and was surprised when he saw it again that it was in black and white. I think he put that down to the power of the film visually.


I've just watched this for the first time and one of the things that I was thinking all the way through was "wouldn't this be great in colour".

I've got no problem normally with black and white films, for some reason though I just felt that this would have been so much better in colour.


Boy, when you talk about colorizing a Black & White film the film-sobs really turn up.

It is not like we are saying destroy all the B&W movies. They can watch what they like and others can watch what they like.

I would bet big money, if you showed any B&W movie in both version at the same time, more people would opt for the color one.

The right to co-exist should be paramount. Instead the minority decides for the majority in this instance.

I like color. It is the way I live my life, in living color.

I would never watch a B&W movie again if they were all available in color.

Okay, fiim-snobs and movie-elitist take offense to my comment.


Liberals kill with ABORTION.
Conservatives kill with the DEATH PENALTY.
I kill with WORDS.


you kill with boredum




There was a colorized version of Casablanca in the 80s. It literally only sold 300 copies
