MovieChat Forums > Pitfall (1948) Discussion > is it good & on dvd?

is it good & on dvd?

is it good & on dvd?

Dream until your dreams come true.


Great little noir.

A story that makes sense and good acting from the entire cast.
Both of which are something we can't take for granted in this genre.

This is best release and likely as good as it's going to get for this PD? title.


by Trax-3 » 3 hours ago (Mon Oct 17 2016 21:10:46)
IMDb member since August 2003
Great little noir.

A story that makes sense and good acting from the entire cast.
Both of which are something we can't take for granted in this genre.

This is best release and likely as good as it's going to get for this PD? title.

Thanks, for your feedback.☺

Dream until your dreams come true.
