Remake could work...

If it was done independently with no studio involvement.

I'm not a fan of remakes of classics, but does anyone think this could be updated as an independent feature and be incredible?

It all takes place at the hotel, basically, so would be cheap to shoot. And although Humphrey could never be replaced, and Huston's direction was really getting powerful by the time he made this, there's definitely room for improvement in the script.

(Also, we live in an age of Tsunami's and hurricanes, which would be scarier threats today than all of these crappy found-footage horror movies)




I think there are many crappy films with a fascinating premise, or even a brilliant script, which could be remade into seriously good films. Like when Brando and Laughton did Mutiny on the Bounty--that was a remake of a lousy movie. Do that and you break new ground, because nobody ever did that story right.

Remake a fine classic just because some people can't do black and white or can't go two hours without seeing a way too massive explosion or hearing someone cuss, and all you're doing is giving the critics proof positive that you ain't John Huston. This movie's too smart for that audience anyway.

Hollywood is populated by fools these days.


