The Fort Apache in the movie could be hundreds of miles from the real Fort Apache.
At the beginning of Fort Apache (1948) Colonel Thursday complains about his stagecoach ride through the Southwest.
Driver, how much further
to this Hasenpfeffer...
...or whatever you call
the confounded place?
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What a country.
Forty miles from mudhole to mudhole.
Mule Creek, Deadman's Squaw,
Schmidt's Wells.
Hangman's Flats, Hassayampa.
At end of the rainbow, Fort Apache.
Fort Apache.
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And when they get to the stage station at Hassayampa:
How far is it to Fort Apache?
Oh, the fort's 35 miles south of here
Thirty-five miles south.
Madam, is there a livery stable here?
There must be some way
to rent a vehicle.
- A what?
- A rig. Any kind of rig.
Nothing fit for the lassie to ride in.
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So that implies that the stage line goes in an approximately east-west direction and Fort Apache is 35 miles south of the stage station at Hassayampa.
And it happens there is a real Hassayampa, Arizona, but it isn't 35 miles north of Fort Apache, but about 222.2 miles west and a bit south of Fort Apache by US-60 E.
The usual route to Fort Apache was from the south, anyway.