Missing Scene?

They showed this movie on WOR in New York when I was a kid. Once, I swear there was a scene in which some of the women were discussing the reason for the rift between Thursday and Collingwood. I can't remember, but possibly it was the loss of the regimental colors. I've never seen this scene since, even on a TCM showing recently.


I recorded it off TCM a few months ago. The scene I remember (that wasn't in my recorded version) is at the fort. Bodies of some warriors are turned over and an Indian scout looked at their body markings and said what part of the Apache people they were from, Chiricahua, Mescalero or White Mountain. I've seen that sequence, but not on the TCM version.


the scene you are talking about I believe is from Rio Grande not Fort Apache.



"It ain't dying I'm talking about, it's LIVING!"
Captain Augustus McCrae
