MovieChat Forums > A Foreign Affair (1948) Discussion > I love that both the heroines are in the...

I love that both the heroines are in their forties...

they look great.


I'm watching this now also....yes they do look great!


A Foreign Affair is on as I'm typing...I was thinking the exact same thing as the OP (nearly a year ago...); Jean Arthur is 48, I believe, in this. Marlene Dietrich i 43 (I just saw Witness for the Prosecution last night for the 1st time, and Marlene still looked good at 52!). But I was especially struck by Jean Arthur...beautiful woman!

"How do you feel?"
"Like the Kling-Klang King of the Rim-Ram Room!"


I think they were both about 48. Dietrich closer to 49. Ah, the wonders of forgiving black and white photography.


They did. Jean Arthur, in particular, looked very fit in that black dress. She was 48!

“Let's be crooked, but never common”


I finally was able to see this the other day on Turner Classic Movies...I've always thougth Jean Arthur's looks were underrated. She was beautiful in this movie. Dietrich's looks go without saying. Great movie also.

"What is WRONG with me today!!! I usually hit those."


I know tastes vary but I've always had a crush on Ms Arthur and given the chance would have been climbing all over her.

Dietrich on the other hand does nothing for me.


Jean had a very nice figure better than Marlene.



I agree. They look amazing.


I agree. It was awesome and refreshing. Jean was beautiful.


Arthur was an anomaly in her time--while most young men and women in the 1940s were more mature-looking than their age, she appeared much younger than she was.


