Just a couple of corrections:
1) Bob and Pedro don't give the kid a christian burial. He died out on the salt flats where the ground is like concrete. Even if they had shovels (which they didn't), both of them were about done in themselves. They had to keep going to get the baby to safety. But Bob stops to pick up the Bible he had previously scoffed at.
2) When Pedro falls and breaks his leg, Bob offers to fashion a travois to drag him along, but Pedro convinces him to go on for the baby's sake. There is never any illusion that help will arrive, and Pedro asks him to leave him his pistol "for the coyotes, you know?" Bob says, "Yeah, sure Pete...coyotes." They both know what the gun is for. When the shot rings out, Bob stops momentarily, then without looking back, presses on.
When it appears Bob can go no further, the Bible is laying on the ground, and the pages are ruffling in the wind. He randomly stops the pages from blowing, and his hand falls onto Matthew 21:
And when they drew nigh unto Jerusalem, then sent Jesus two disciples, saying unto them, “Go into the village over against you, and straightaway ye shall find a donkey tied, and a colt by her: loose them and bring them unto me".
He gets agitated and throws away the Bible. He starts hallucinating that Pedro and the Kid are there, driving him on. All of the sudden, a donkey and it's colt appear. He staggers along leaning on the donkey, which leads him into New Jerusalem.