Awesome Psychological Thriller!
I had never heard of this movie until recently...and I love both Bogie and Stanwyck! So, I ordered a copy from the Warner Bros Archive collection and I loved it!
This superb, little suspense yarn has Bogie as the deranged Geoffrey Carroll...and for a mentally disturbed psycho, I must say I thought Bogie did an outstanding job! I had never really seen him in that kind of role before, as he usually always played a gangster-tough guy or a private detective-hero. Boy, he really held it together until the end too...when things finally started falling apart for him.
Barbara Stanwyck also was very "real" and always! Even though I've never really considered her that pretty, I've always thought she was a superb actress! However, I thought in this movie she was very attractive, and you truly felt for her. Alexis Smith also was awesome as the scheming, vindictive mistress (or should we say next "project" for our psychotic little artist ;-) ) of Bogie.
Although some might think the plot somewhat's not always! It does leave you thinking..."Maybe I'm wrong?" throughout, and the suspense and Bogie's slow but sure mental collapse is chilling and riveting! Awesome plot, awesome actors, and awesome performances!