I'm in a frame...

I love the scene where Mitchum talks about being framed whilst looking at the frame of the shot.

I've written a blog discussing this and other reflexive moments in Out of the Past




I though that the frame thing was just a joke, not a metajoke. I did laugh at the "angles" scene, but I didn't think it was 100% intentional.
But hey, what about Jim's little speech after the funeral? "Too many people. Too much talk. Maybe that's why I like this town." Noir isn't my favorite genre, but I feel that's the reason why it has its fans.

BTW, sorry for my english, it's not my native language.


I got the meta of "I'm in a frame" but missed the "angles" and the others you cited.

Nice blog! (I left a couple of comments on two other posts.)

Prepare your minds for a new scale of physical, scientific values, gentlemen.


Enjoyed your blog. Thanks for writing and sharing.


One point: it was Fisher who said "Look at all the angles."


Not to mention there's a character named Meta...


Richard Gere's character speaks these lines in American Gigolo.
